A Message From the Principal
On behalf of the staff and students of Logan School, We would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer and that your children are ready to learn. As a reminder, our school start time is 9:00AM and our dismissal time is 3:39PM. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with you to nurture your child’s academic, social and emotional growth.
This year we will continue to work to foster open lines of communication between the school and the home to ensure student success. Here are several things you can do at home to help your child have a successful school year.
- Send your child to school every day and on time.
- Make sure your child gets eight hours sleep each night.
- Establish a routine for studying.
- Give your child a quiet corner to read and regular time to do homework.
- Keep in touch with your child’s teacher via email, dojo, telephone, notes, or letters.
- Attend school-wide events, classroom events, and conferences.
- Celebrate your child’s success (giving verbal praise), no matter how small it may seem. This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work.
We are confident that this will be an outstanding school year and look forward to working with the staff and community to continue the James Logan Elementary School tradition of academic excellence!
M. Grill K.Brady
Principal Assistant Principal